الرئيسية Arabic letters stories Arabic Alphabet story for letter Thaa(ث)Learn Arabic Letters

Arabic Alphabet story for letter Thaa(ث)Learn Arabic Letters


Arabic Alphabet story for letter Thaa (ث)

Teach your child the Arabic alphabet letters with 27 Best Arabic letters stories images – Arabic alphabet for kids. letter stories for the first grade of primary and alphabet stories for kindergarten.

Arabic Alphabet story for letter Thaa

Arabic Alphabet story for letter Thaa

Arabic Alphabet story for letter Thaa(ث)-Learn Arabic Letters

The Arabic letter Thaa is a Sun Letter (Shamseyyah).

Thaa looks like a Taa that has added an extra dot on top of the two first ones.

How do I learn Arabic letters?

By using a simple way such as stories, videos, and flashcards, so here at Belaraby we present a simple story with pictures about Thaa (ث )

Stories of Arabic letters with pictures

What is Thaa in Arabic?
Thaa may refer to :(ث), the third letter of the Arabic alphabet.
Here is the story of the letter Th for children of kindergarten and preschool, to learn words with the letter Thaa and the forms of the letter Thaa in the first, middle and last word.
Let’s follow the story together:


Arabic story for letter Thaa :

.الْيَوْم يَوْمُ مِيلَادِ ثُرَيَّا
.أَكْمَلَتْ ثُرَيَّا ثَلَاثَ سَنَوَاتٍ

.اشْتَرَتْ لَهَا أُمُّهَا ثَوْبًا جَدِيدًا جَمِيلًا

،وَاشْتَرَتْ لَهَا أُخْتُهَا قِصَّةَ ثَعْلَبٍ
وَأَحْضَرَ لَهَا وَالِدُهَا كِتَابًا عَنْ اَلْحَيَوَانَاتِ بِه
،صُورَةُ ثَوْرٍ

.وَصُورَةُ ثُعْبَانٍ

.فَرِحَتْ ثُرَيَّا كَثِيرًا

The child learns from the story the words that start with the letter Thaa like:

ثُريّا – ثَلاث – ثَوبًا – ثَعلب – ثَوْر- ثُعبان – كثِيرًا

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Tha Arabic letter words

How the Arabic letter Tha is pronounced

Thaa is the counterpart of the English sound of the unvoiced “th” as in three and thinks which is pronounced by putting the tongue between the teeth then blowing air out.

Thaa with diacritics
* Thaa with a fatha: ( ثَـ ) ( ـثَـ ) : ثَور- ثَعلب – ثَوب
You said the word and repeat it then your child repeat  after you

* Thaa with a damma: ( ثُـ ) ( ـثُـ ): ثُقب – ثُريّا – ثُعبان
as sound in English Tho: Thought

* Tha with a kasra: ( ثِـ ) ( ـثِـ ): ثِقة – ثِياب

as sound in English Thi: think

* Tha with a sokoon: ( ـثْـ ) ( ـثْ ) عُثْمان – اثْنان – أثْرياء – أثْقال
as sound in English Th: health

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Learn Arabic alphabet letters – free printable worksheets

Learn Arabic alphabet letters – free printable worksheets – How to write in Arabic worksheets – Arabic Alphabet Workbook – Arabic worksheet for beginners

Arabic letter thaa worksheet

How to write Arabic letters (Thaa)

Words beginning with the letter Thaa

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Arabic Alphabets Song Thaa

صار غيثٌ ثريًّا

عند غيث ثورٌ كبير … ثورٌ كبيرٌ
ثور ٌ كبيرٌ يحرث الأرض

حرث الأرض بالمحراث.. بالمحراث

حرث الأرض بالمحراث غرس فيها الثوم
ولمّا نبت الثوم جمعه وباعه

هكذا صار غيثٌ ثريًّا
غيثٌ فلاحٌ ثريٌّ

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Arabic letter coloring page Thaa to print

Learn Arabic Alphabet Letters Flashcards

The letter Thaa words

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Arabic letter thaa worksheet

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Words with tha in the middle

كمثرى – مثال
مثلث – أثاث
ثلاثة – أنثى

Arabic words ending with tha

ليث – غيث – ميراث – محراث

27 Best Arabic letters stories images – Arabic alphabet for kids.


Download Arabic Alphabet for kids App Now !!


Teaching children Arabic letters with sound and image

learn letter Thaa | Arabic Letter Thaa, Arabic Alphabet

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