Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Funny Arabic Riddles for kids

Riddles are a timeless way to entertain, educate, and spark curiosity in children. In the Arab world, riddles have long been used to encourage critical thinking and to add joy to family gatherings. Many traditional Arabic riddles are clever, playful, and great for kids because they’re not just about finding an answer—they also teach a little about language, culture, and sometimes, nature! Here’s a collection of fun and simple Arabic riddles translated into English, perfect for young minds.

Funny Arabic Riddles for Kids

Riddles are a wonderful way to get children thinking creatively and having fun simultaneously. In Arab culture, riddles (أحجية or لغز) have always been part of storytelling and entertainment, often offering a good laugh while challenging the mind. Here’s a collection of funny Arabic riddles for kids that will make them giggle, think, and maybe scratch their heads a little!

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Q1: What are two things you can’t eat for breakfast?

  • A1: Lunch and dinner.

Q2: What becomes drier the more it dries?

  • A2: A towel.

Q3: Where can you find a sea with no water?

Q4: Mohammed’s smartphone fell into a big cup of coffee, but it didn’t get wet. Why?

  • A4: It fell into a cup of coffee powder.

Q5: The more you take from me, the bigger I get. What am I?

  • A5: A hole.

Q6: If an egg falls into the sea, what happens to it?

  • A6: It gets wet.

Q7: What’s in the middle of Paris?

  • A7: The letter “R” (in Arabic, “راء”).

Q8: Why doesn’t cotton go near the fire?

  • A8: Because Ms. Nazira said, “Cotton never lies!” (a play on the famous line “El kotna

Q9: Why is Wood considered an orphan?

  • A9: Because wood is cut from its tree (a playful way of saying it’s “cut off”).

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Short funny Arabic riddles for kids

Here are some short, funny Arabic riddles for kids that are sure to bring a smile:

Q10: What is something that’s the size of an elephant but weighs zero kilograms?

اسئله مضحكه جداً مع الحل بالصور 

Q11: What has two legs but can’t walk?

  • A11: Pants.

Q12: Why is the monkey considered one of the fastest animals?

  • A12: It believes in the saying, “A monkey is a gazelle in its mother’s eyes.”

Q13: What falls but never gets hurt?

Q14: Why is the zebra considered an ancient animal?

  • A14: Because it’s black and white

Q15: What happens when a lion bites a clown?

  • A15: It dies laughing.

Q16: If there’s a blue house to your right and a red house to your left, where is the White House?

  • A: In Washington, D.C.

Q17: Why do burgers run out so quickly?

A17: Because they’re fast food.

Q18: Who is a player with a lot of free time?

  • A18: Wael Gomaa, the soccer player—because Jum’a (Friday) is a day off.

Q19: What can see all of us, but has no eyes?

  • A19: A mirror.

Q20: What happens if you throw a white hat into the Red Sea?

  • A20: It gets wet.

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Riddles in Arabic Translation

Q21: A person went out in the rain and didn’t get their hair wet. Who is that person?

ألغاز مع الحل مضحكة 2021 ..  أسئلة مضحكة للمسابقات
  • A22:The bald man.

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Q23: A brick fell from the top of a building, yet the glass below didn’t break. Why?

  • A23: Because it didn’t fall on the glass.

Q24: What is something that carries you, and you also carry it simultaneously?

Q25: What only moves when it’s hit?

  • A25: A nail.

Q26: What is the purpose of ears?

  • A: To hold up glasses and keep them from falling!

Q27: She’s your mother’s sister, but she isn’t your aunt. Who is she?

  • A27: My mother.

Q28: What is the one word that’s spelled incorrectly in every dictionary?

  • A: The word “incorrectly!”

Q29: When does the sky turn from blue to eggplant purple?

  • A: When the world freezes over (a play on words implying extreme cold).

Q30: What crosses over the sea without getting wet?

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Riddles in Arabic with Answers

فوازير وحلها بالصور


To know the Answer click here

Funny Arabic riddles for kids hard

Here’s a humorous take on riddles that use wordplay, puns, and clever answers to get kids giggling and thinking at the same time!

Q30: Why is the train one of the most important modes of transportation?

  • A30: Because it runs on two lines! (It’s a play on words, as “two lines” can mean both its tracks and something written down).

Q31: Why doesn’t Japan have any sense of affection?

  • A31: Because Japan is in Asia! (The joke here is on the similarity between “affection” in Arabic and “Asia”).

Q32: Why is the rhinoceros always busy?

  • A32:Because its name sounds like “Khar-teet, teet, teet” (a play on the sound of the word “kharteet” (rhino) and “teet,” imitating a busy sound).

Q33: A police officer got tired of carrying his gun. What does he carry instead?

  • A33: He carries a “sesameya” (a traditional Arabic string instrument, turning the serious idea of a gun into something light-hearted).

Q34: Is “Ali Baba” masculine or feminine?

  • A34: Masculine, of course! Because if it were feminine, we’d say “Ali Mama” (playing on the rhyme between “Baba” (dad) and “Mama” (mom)).

Q35: Name three types of fish.

  • A35: Fried fish, grilled fish, salted fish (a play on listing cooking styles instead of actual species).

Q36: Which animal is scared of a rooster’s crowing?

  • A36: The lion, the king of the jungle! (A joke about the irony of the fearless lion being afraid of a rooster).

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Arabic riddles are more than just word puzzles—they’re a fun, meaningful way to bond with children while giving their minds a workout. Sharing these riddles will provide children with hours of entertainment and a great connection to Arabic culture, all while helping them grow mentally. So gather the kids, share a few riddles, and let the laughter begin!

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تطبيق حكايات بالعربي أندرويد
تطبيق حكايات بالعربي آب ستورز 

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