Arabic Letter Ta ط Arabic Alphabet For Children Arabic Alphabet story for letter Ta (ط)
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Arabic Alphabet story for letter Ta (ط) – Learn Arabic
Stories of Arabic letters with pictures, here we learn the Arabic story for the letter Taa (ط)
Let’s know the Letter Ta (ط) today. It is the sixteenth letter of the Arabic Alphabet.
The Arabic letter Ta is a Sun Letter.
It has a basic shape that is common for the letters Zaa
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Arabic Alphabet story for letter Taa (with audio, pictures and text)
In the phonetic alphabet, the pronunciation of Ta is written [ط]. here, we write the pronunciation T
Taa is the counterpart of the English letter T.
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Arabic story for letter Ta
طَلَبَتْ الْمعَلِّمَة مِنْ الْأَطْفَالِ.
رَسْمَ أَشْيَاءٍ تَبْدَأُ بِحَرْفِ الطَّاءِ (ط).
رسَمَ طَارِقُ طَائِرَةً.
رَسَمَ طَلَالٌ طَاوُوسًا.
لَوَّنَ مَاهِرٌ طَبَقًا،
وَرَسَمَ عَلَيْهِ طَمَاطِمَ
أَمَّا فَاطِمَةُ فَرَسَمَتْ بَطَّةً.
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بسم الله تعالى نبدأ ؛ حتى نتهجى مانقرأ
طــاء حرف نتهجاه … حتى نعرف مامعناه
طــاء طاووس فنان … وطماطم في كل مكان
هذا العلم لذيذ جدًّا … يملأ قلب المؤمن ودًّا
How do you pronounce the letter TA in Arabic?
There are two t letters in Arabic. A normal t and this emphatic T. For clarity, I write the pronunciation of the emphatic one with a capital T.
When you pronounce this T, your tongue should touch your tooth.
The letter Ta is one of the letters that give the Arabic language its character. If you want to sound like a professional Arabic speaker and not a beginner, you must pronounce these letters properly. Do not be careful when you pronounce these letters. It is better to exaggerate, then it is easier for the people you are talking with to hear the difference. If you exaggerate the pronunciation, it is also easier for you to memorize the words, and you will know what letter to use when you spell them.
You may know more :
♦♦The Arabic language Activities
Words with the Arabic letter Ta
Arabic letter Taa words flashcard
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28 Best Arabic letters stories images – Arabic alphabet for kids.
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