Hello guys, here we present Game of the Day, ‘STOP THE BUS’ It’s fantastic game which help our children and Beginners in Arabic to learn Arabic Now we talk about the letter Taa (ت) Learn the Arabic letter Ta(ت) with words
Learn the Arabic letter Taa (ت) with words
1- Arabic words that start with ta
Stop it’s complete game
stop-it’s-complete is a game I really enjoy playing with my students. The joy about this game is that it’s completely adaptable for all levels of students and really challenges their vocabulary.
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1- Arabic letter Ta words flashcard
Arabic letter Taa with diacritics (ت)
Alphabets alphabet with accents alif baa taa
تَ Ta ….. تَمر
تُ To …. تُوت
تِ Te …. تِين
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2- Boy Names Starting with Taa (ت)
Here Arabic names for Boy starting with (ت)
- تامر
- تهامي
- تحسين
- توفيق
- توني
- تيمور
- تميم
- تيسير
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3. Girl name start with Taa (ت)
- تغريد
- تسنيم
- تمارى
- تيماء
- تالا
- تهاني
- توق
- توليب
- تمارا
- تارا
- تاليا
- تولين
- تقى
- تحية
- تيا
- تولا
- تيما
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4- Arabic animals names start with Ta
- تمساح
- تنين
- تيس
- تابير
- تيتل
- تبانة
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5- Learn Arabic – Arabic Plants Vocabulary start with letter taa
- تين
- ترمس
- توت
- ترمس
- تفاح
- تمر هندي
- تمر
- ترنجان
- ترياق
- تفاح
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6- Arabic name for things start with taa – Arabic letter Ta
Words starting with ta in Arabic
- تاج
- تاريخ
- تسلية
- تحفة
- تمثال
- تليفون
- تابوت
- تذكار
- تراب
- تربة
- تل
- تلفاز
- تخت
- تنورة.
- تكاية
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7- Arabic name for country start with Ta
Names of places in Arabic begin with ت
- تايلاند
- تركيا
- توباغو
- تشاد
- تشيك
- تشيلي
- تنزانيا
- توغو
- تونس
- تيمور الشرقية.
- تايوان
- تانزانيا
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8- Learn Arabic – Food names in Arabic ت
- تين شوكى
- توت
- تورتيا
- تامبورا
- تارت
- ترمس
- تين
- تفاح
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9. Learn names of Jobs in Arabic language start with the letter taa
- تاجر
- تُرجمان
- تِقنيّ
- ترزي.
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10- Word examples using the Arabic letter Taa (ت)
- تفاح.
- تمساح.
- تمر.
- تاج.
- تين.
- تنين.
- زيتون.
- زيت.
- توت.
- دفتر.
- تمر.
- تنين.
- ترنج.
- تين.
- التوت البري.
- تكية.
- تلفزيون.
- تليفون.
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Arabic letters ta (ت) beginning, middle end flashcards
Worksheets Arabic alphabet, letter – ت – with vowels and words – tamr – temsah – tofah – ( تَمر – تِمساح – تُفاح )
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Stories of Arabic letters with pictures
Arabic Alphabet story for letter Taa (with video, pictures, and text)
Here is the story of the letter T for children of kindergarten and preschool, to learn words with the letter T and the forms of the letter T in the first, middle and last word.
Let’s follow the story together:
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Finally, this game is a practice for children to enhancement their language and educational tools for learning Arabic alphabet for beginners.we hope this topic Learning the Arabic letter Taa(ت) with words is useful for you.
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