Hello guys, here we present Arabic letter khaa words Game of the Day, ‘STOP THE BUS’ It’s a fantastic game that helps our children and Beginners in Arabic to learn Arabic
Now we talk about the letter Khaa (خ) Learn the Arabic letter Khaa (خ)with words – Alphabet Game
Learn the Arabic letter Khaa (خ) with words
Stop it’s complete game
stop-it’s-complete is a game I really enjoy playing with my children. The joy about this game is that it’s completely adaptable for all levels of students and really challenges their vocabulary.
1- Arabic Letter Khaa words flashcard
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Khaa Arabic letter pronunciation
The Arabic letter Kha is a Moon Letter.
It has the same basic shape of Hha after adding a dot on top.
- Kha with a fatha: ( خَـ ) ( ـخَـ ): خَروف ، خَالد ، خَس
- Kha with a damma: ( خُـ ) ( ـخُـ ): خُبز ، خُضار، خُضرة
- Khaa with a kasra: ( خِـ ) ( ـخِـ ) : خِيار، خِدمة، خِصال .
⇒ Arabic Alphabet story for letter Daal (د) – Learn Arabic
2- Words starting with Arabic letter khaa Boy’s names
Boy’s names start with letter khaa (خ)
- خالد
- خاطر
- خزاعة
- خضر
- خضير
- خطيب
- خلف
- خليفة
- خليل
- خميس
- خولي
- خوري
- خويلد
- خير
- خيري
- خطاب
- خفاجة
- خليفة
- خلدون
⇒You may like: Arabic Alphabet story for letter Khaa(خ)Learn Arabic Letters
3- Girl Names Starting with khaa (خ)
View all Arabic names for Girl starting with khaa (خ) or Alphabet Letter ” خ ”
- خديجة
- خليلة
- خلود
- خنساء
- خولة
- خيرة
- خيرية
- خدوج
- خواطر
- ختيم
- خضراء
4- Arabic words that start with Kha animal’s names
- خروف
- خلد
- الخرتيت
- حيوان الخفاش
- الخلدون
- الخز
- الخصوي
- الخرنق
- خنفساء
- خرشوف
- خيار البحر
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5- Plants that Start with kha – Learn Arabic
- خوخ
- خس
- نبات الخشخاش
- نبات الخيار
- خردل
- الخروع
- الخبازة
- الخرشوف
- خروع
- خروب
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6- Arabic name for things start with Khaa
- خاتم
- خيمة
- خازوق.
- خشب.
- خابور.
- خلخال.
- خات.
- خزانة.
- خرز.
- خرطوم.
- خزان.
- خرطوش.
- خريطة
- خرسانة.
- خيزران.
- خردة.
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7 – Countries beginning with (خ)
- خرطوم
- خورفكان
- خريبكة
- خيبر
- خوارزم
- خرج
- خميس مشيط
- خراسان
- الخبر
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8 – Learn Arabic – Food Names in Arabic خ
- خيار
- خس
- خميرة
- خوخ
- خبز
- خبيزة
- خنفروش
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9- Learn names of Jobs in Arabic language start with the letter kha
- خبير
- خباز
- خياط
- خادم
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10- Word Examples using the Arabic letter Khaa
- خطيب
- مخبأ
- أخبار
- مختبر
- تخدير
- مخرطة
- اختراع
- أخضر ،
- مخطوطة
- تخطيط
- إخلاص
- شيخ
- بخاخ
- مخبز
- تاريخ
- طبخ
- صخرة
- نخل
- خمسة
- اختلال
- خلخال
- خيال
- سيخ
Arabic alphabet worksheets printable
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Learn Arabic Alphabet Game
STOP THE BUS’ It’s a fantastic game which helps our children and Beginners in Arabic to learn Arabic Now we talk about
Arabic Alphabet Letters with pictures and words – Arabic Alphabet Game
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Arabic letters khaa (خ) beginning, middle end flashcards
Worksheets Arabic alphabet, letter – خ – with vowels and words – tamr – temsah – tofah – ( تَمر – تِمساح – تُفاح )
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Stories of Arabic letters with pictures
Arabic Alphabet story for letter khaa (with pictures, and text)
Stories of Arabic letters with pictures
Here is the story of the letter kh for children of kindergarten and preschool, to learn words with the letter kh and the forms of the letter خ in the first, middle and last word.
Let’s follow the story together:
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Finally, this game is a practice for children to enhance their language and educational tools for learning the Arabic alphabet for beginners.
we hope this topic Learning the Arabic khaa (خ) with words is useful for you.
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