Hello guys, here we present Game of the Day, ‘STOP THE BUS’ It’s fantastic game which help our children and Beginners in Arabic to learn Arabic
Now we talk about the letter Daal (د) Learn the Arabic letter Daal (د) with words
Learn the Arabic letter Daal (د) with words
1- Arabic words that start with Dal
Stop it’s complete game
stop-it’s-complete is a game I really enjoy playing with my students. The joy about this game is that it’s completely adaptable for all levels of students and really challenges their vocabulary.
2- Arabic letter dal words flashcard
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Basic Sample words of Dal in different state
- Dal with a fatha: ( دَ ) ( ـدَ ) : دَلو ، دَجاجة ، دبابة ، دائرة ، دراجة ، دولة ، دبور ، دباسة
- Daal with a damma: ( دُ ) ( ـدُ ) : دُب ، دولفين ، دودة ، دخول ، دخان ، دعاء ، دُف ، دكان
- Dal with a kasra: ( دِ ) ( ـدِ ) : دِيك ، دِينا ، دِماغ ، دِهان ، دِيسمبر ، دِين .
3 – Arabic letter daal words boy names
Names for boys starting with Urdu Alphabet ” د ” Dal, Arabic names for boys with alphabet ” د ” Dal.
- دياب
- دؤوب
- ديب
- داغر
- دالي
- داوود
- درديري
- ديم
- درغام
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4 – Arabic Names with d for girl
Girl Names Beginning with letter D in our Arabic collection
- دارين
- داليا
- داليدا
- داملا
- دان
- ديما
- ديمه
- دنيا
- دينا
- دريا
- درة
- دعاء
- دليلا
- دوري
- دوللي
- دومينيك
- ديورا
- دودي
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5 – Arabic letter dal words of Animals in arabic
- دب
- دودة
- دبور
- دجاجة
- ديك رومي
- حيوان الدلخ
- درفيل
- الداب
- الدراكولا
- الدودو
- الدراجون
- دلفين
- ديناصور
- دبور
6 – Arabic alphabet letter daal plants names
- نبات الدوم
- نبات الدبق
- دوار الشمس
- الدروسيرا
- الدارسينا
- الدفلة
- الدخن
- الدرجل
- الدوش
- الدراق
- دلاح
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7 – Arabic Letter daal words of things in Arabic
- دمية.
- دبوس.
- دفتر.
- دكان.
- دواء.
- دخان.
- دورق.
- درج.
- دقيق ( طحين )
- دكان
- دكه
- دبلة
- دواء
- دباسة
- دلاية
- درع
- درب
- دراجة
- دخان
- دار
- دولاب
- دورق
- دبابة
8 – Arabic name for country start with dal
Names of places in Arabic begin with د
- دبي
- دمشق
- دوحة
- دمام
- داغستان
- دهب
- دمياط
- دنمارك
- ديزني
- دومينيكا
- دير الزور
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9 – Learn Arabic – Food names in Arabic د
- دجاج مشوي
- دونات
- دبس الرمان
- دجاج
- ديسباسيتو
- دولمة
- دقة
- دندورمة
- دقيق قمح
10 . Learn names of Jobs in Arabic language start with the letter daal
- دكتور
- داية
- داعي أو داعية
- دباغ
- ديسك
- دلال
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11- Word Examples using the Arabic letter Daal
- دبدوب
- دفتر
- أسد
- جسد
- جدة
- عداد
- دوار الشمس
- جدر
- بريد
- سعاد
- قرد
- دوم
- جريدة
- درب
- دبلة
- درع
- دجلة
- دودة
- ولد
- مدخل
- مهندس
- دش
- هدهد
- دولاب
- منطاد
- جرادة
- دبوس
- دير
- دوامة
- شديد
- احمد
- حمدي
- محمد
- دلو
- دومينو ( لعبة )
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Arabic letters dal (د) beginning, middle end flashcards
Worksheets Arabic alphabet, letter – د – with vowels and words
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Stories of Arabic letters with pictures
Arabic Alphabet story for letter Dal (with video, pictures, and text)
Here is the story of the letter D for children of kindergarten and preschool, to learn words with the letter D and the forms of the letter D in the first, middle and last word.
What letter is DAL in Arabic?
The Arabic letter dal is a sun letter. That means that the l in al is assimilated with dal and thereby pronounced as d In other words:
The definite article for words that start with dal is pronounced ad, and not al. For example the Arabic word for lesson, study is pronounced dars and written ﺩَﺭﺱ.
Let’s follow the story together:
Arabic Alphabet story for letter daal (with audio, pictures and text)
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Learn Arabic Letters game
STOP THE BUS’ It’s a fantastic game which helps our children and Beginners in Arabic to learn Arabic Now we talk about
Arabic Alphabet Letters with pictures and words – Arabic Alphabet Game
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Finally, this game is a practice for children to enhancement their language and educational tools for learning Arabic alphabet for beginners.we hope this topic Learning the Arabic letter daal(د) with words is useful for you.
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