The best pictures of the Arabic language… International Arabic Language Day.
Download free World Arabic Language Day images, quotes, and backgrounds.
Free! Arabic Language Day Images, quotes, and background
The Arabic language is our beautiful language, the language of oppression and miracles. Arabic is our pride and honor, and it is the language of the Qur’an.
Follow us in this article and free Arabic language day images. the most beautiful posters of the Arabic language for kids ready for printing, backgrounds about the Arabic language, the most beautiful designs, Arabic day pictures, and drawings to celebrate the Arabic Language Day.
100 Best Arabic Posters: My Language Is My Identity
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World Arabic Language Day 1446 – 2024
This year, UNESCO focuses on “Arabic Language and Artificial Intelligence (AI): Advancing Innovation while Preserving Cultural Heritage”. As noted by UNESCO, Arabic is a global language with immense cultural significance. Despite this, only a low percentage of online content is available in Arabic, preventing millions of people from accessing web content in their language. Source: UNESCO
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Free Stories about the Arabic language for children
On Arabic Language Day, the most beautiful gift we give to our children
Arabic illustrated stories for children about the importance of the Arabic language in our lives.
Hekayat APP .. Best Arabic Stories For Kids
Hekayat App, Read to your child and encourage him to love the Arabic language with more than 500 Arabic stories for children and new purposeful children’s stories in Arabic
Download Now! (Hekayat APP) Arabic bedtime stories for kids

World Arabic Language Day Logo 2021
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Nice picture in Arabic language – free Arabic language day images
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The language of Daad… The one who filled the languages has merits… He made beauty and its secret in Daad.
Arabic flashcards printable about International Day—the language of Quran
Our Arabic is the language of the Qur’an
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World Arabic language day 2024 theme – December 18, 2024
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Arabic Day Pictures – let’s learn the Arabic language
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World Arabic Language Day – Arabic Alphabet poster 2024
Arabic alphabet letters poster with happy Muslim kids.
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I love the Arabic language in Arabic – greeting card
free happy Muslim kids HD image with quotes: I love the Arabic language.
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World Arabic Language Day Poster: Arabic Day pictures
World Arabic Language Day 2020 logo
Arabic Language Day On the eighteenth of December every year, the International Day of the Arabic Language, the day on which the General Assembly of the United Nations decided to join the Arabic language within the official languages and the working languages established in the Assembly.
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Importance of Arabic language in Islam—Arabic images free
nice pictures in the Arabic language
free Arabic image with Arabic quotes: Our language is our pride. I love Arabic, the language of Dhad
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Arabic poetry quotes – Arabic wallpaper free
Quotes about the Arabic language in Arabic
- My language and I’m proud to have her love. لُغتي وأفخر إذْ بُليتُ بحُبها
- It’s the beauty and her separation. فهي الجمالُ وفَصلُها التِبيانُ
- It’s Arabic, there is no doubt that her statement. عربيةٌ لاشكَ أن بيانَها
- It’s smiling in the gap of the Qur’anمتبسمٌ في ثغرهِ القرآنُ
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World Arabic Day poster in Arabic—Arabic quotes for Instagram
About the beauty of the Arabic language …
It is enough for me to be Arab that I speak Arabic .. the language of the Holy Qur’an
Beautiful sayings in Arabic for kids
- Arabic is the richest language in the world
- Keep your language, It’s the immortality of what’s left with you after believing in God.
- It is enough for the people of the Arab nation to honor and be proud that their beautiful Arabic language is the language of the people of paradise.
- If you want to understand your religion, you have to understand and learn Arabic. If you want to understand your religion, you have to understand and learn Arabic.
- Arabic has an irresistible charm.
- Arabic is a language of creativity, literature, understanding, and science.
Arabic culture day
Arabic is one of the most beautiful languages spoken by man and there are words about Arabic that embody the great meaning of the language chosen by God almighty to be the language of the Holy Quran.
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Arabic day in Arabic
- Arabic is the most honorable and proud language, how not to be the language of the Book of God almighty and his remaining miracle until the Day of Resurrection?
- Write with your heart you will find in Arabic flexibility that covers every feeling.
- No one is the most generous of the Arabic language and the first is care, his status will rise.
- It is an honor for the Arabs that their Arabic language has transmitted science and light to Europe and moved them from dark ages and ignorance to light, and that the Arab-Islamic world was a cause for the progress and development of the peoples of the world.
- The Arabic language is a source of pride, as the Egyptian poet Ahmed Shawky said in his poem that the one who filled the languages as an accountant made the beauty and his secret in the Daad.
- Arabic is an unfulfilled source of words and creativity.
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Short Quotes About the Arabic Language
- Language is the title of progress, so, how are you with your language?
- God almighty promised that he would keep his Qur’an and his Book to the Day of Judgment, so this is one of the reasons for preserving that kind of language to this day.
- when Man stayed away from the Arab Langauge, they became humiliated.
- If you are good at Arabic, You understand the history of the Arabs…
- Arabic is an endless source of words and creativity.
- My Arabism is my origin and its change is the end of my pride and my death alive.
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We present this article about free Arabic Language Day images, world Arabic Day posters, and wallpapers to be printed—backgrounds on Arabic, Arabic Language Day activities to celebrate International Arabic Day… for more articles aimed at teaching Arabic to follow us on your website in Arabic we learn
For more ideas about Arabic Language Day 2024
Click here: Arabic Language Day ideas in 2024
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قال عبد الرحمن بن مهدي رحمه الله تعالى
ما ندمتُ على شيء ندمي
على أن لا أكون تعلَّمتُ العربية
(إكمال تهذيب الكمال: 8/236)