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100 Funny Riddles in Arabic with Answers

Riddles are a fun and engaging way to encourage kids to think critically and creatively. They not only help develop problem-solving skills but also make learning enjoyable. In the Arabic-speaking world, riddles are a popular part of culture and entertainment, passed down through generations. Here are 100 funny riddles in Arabic with answers that kids will love. These riddles are sure to make them laugh while sharpening their minds!

100 Funny Arabic Riddles with Answers for Kids

Why Riddles?
Riddles are a great way to develop kids’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
They also help expand vocabulary and understand language structures.
Plus, they are a lot of fun and a great bonding activity for families and friends.

1- Easy and Funny Riddles

Engaging, Entertaining, and Educational Fun for All Ages!

  1. What is something that grows smaller the more you take from it?
    • Answer: A hole.
    ما هو الشيء الذي كلما أخذت منه يكبر؟
    • الإجابة: الحفرة.
  2. What has legs but doesn’t walk?
    • Answer: A table.
    ما هو الشيء الذي له أرجل ولا يمشي؟
    • الإجابة: الطاولة.
  3. What can you catch but not throw?
    • Answer: A cold.
    ماالشيء الذي يمكنك إمساكه ولا يمكنك رميه؟
    • الإجابة: الزكام.
  4. What has a face but no eyes?
    • Answer: A clock.
    له وجه ولا عينين فماذا يكون؟
  5. What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
    • Answer: The future.
    الشيء الذي دائمًا أمامك ولا يمكنك رؤيته هو…؟
اسئلة مسابقات عائلية مع الحل

الإجابة : المستقبل

  1. What has a neck but no head?
    • Answer: A bottle.
    شيء له رقبة وليس له رأس فماهو؟
    • الإجابة: الزجاجة.
  2. What can travel around the world while staying in one spot?
    • Answer: A stamp.
    الشيء الذي يسافر حول العالم وهو ثابت في مكانه فماذا يكون ؟
    • الإجابة: الطابع.
  3. What gets wetter as it dries?
    • Answer: A towel.
    يصبح أكثر رطوبة كلما جففته.. فماذا يكون؟
    • الإجابة: المنشفة.
  4. What can fill a room but take up no space?
    • Answer: Light.
    يملأ الغرفة ولا يشغل مساحة؟
    • الإجابة: الضوء.
  5. What is full of holes but still holds water?
    • Answer: A sponge.
    هو مليء بالثقوب ويحتفظ بالماء؟
  6. الإجابة: المستقبل.

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2- Silly and Fun Riddles

This list of riddles is a great way to entertain kids while challenging their brains. Whether you’re in the classroom, at home, or during a road trip, these riddles are sure to keep kids thinking and laughing at the same time!

  1. What has keys but can’t open locks?
    • Answer: A piano.
    ما هو الشيء الذي له مفاتيح ولا يفتح الأقفال؟
    • الإجابة: البيانو.
  2. What has teeth but cannot bite?
    • Answer: A comb.
    ما هو الشيء الذي له أسنان ولا يعض؟

    ما هو الشيء الذي يمشي على رأسه طوال الوقت
    الإجابة: المشط.
  3. What has a head and a tail but no body?
    • Answer: A coin.
    الذي له رأس وذيل ولا جسم فماهو؟
    • الإجابة: العملة.
  4. What has four wheels and flies?
    • Answer: A garbage truck.
    له أربع عجلات ويطير؟
    • الإجابة: شاحنة القمامة.
  5. What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
    • Answer: Silence.
    ما الذي هو هش لدرجة أن ذكر اسمه يكسره؟
    • الإجابة: الصمت.
  6. What has a mouth but cannot speak?
    • Answer: A river.
    له فم ولا يتكلم؟
    • الإجابة: النهر.
  7. What can run but never walk?
    • Answer: Water.
    يجري ولا يمشي ماهو؟
    • الإجابة: الماء.
  8. What is always running but never getting tired?
    • Answer: A clock.
    ما الشيء الذي دائمًا يجري ولا يتعب؟
    الإجابة: الساعة.
  9. What has many keys but cannot open a single door?
    • Answer: A piano.
    ما هو الشيء الذي له مفاتيح كثيرة ولا يفتح بابًا واحدًا؟
 ما هو الشيء الذي يحمل مئات الآلاف من المفاتيح ولا يمكن أن يفتح أي قفل؟

الإجابة: البيانو.

3- Funny riddles in Arabic – Brain Teasers

  1. What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right?
    • Answer: Your right elbow.
    يمكنك حمله بيدك اليسرى ولا يمكنك حمله بيدك اليمنى فماهو؟
    • الإجابة: كوع يدك اليمنى.
  2. What has an eye but cannot see?
    • Answer: A needle.
    الذي له عين ولا يرى فماذا يكون؟
    • الإجابة: الإبرة.
  3. What goes up but never comes down?
    • Answer: Your age.
    ما هو الذي يصعد ولا ينزل؟
    • الإجابة: العمر.
  4. What can you break, even if you never touch it?
    • Answer: A promise.
    ماالذي يمكنك كسره دون لمسه؟
    • الإجابة: الوعد.
  5. What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?
    • Answer: A glove.
    ماالشيء الذي له إبهام وأربع أصابع وليس حيًا؟
    • الإجابة: القفاز.
  6. What has ears but cannot hear?
    • Answer: Corn.
    ما الشىء الذي له آذان ولا يسمع؟
    • الإجابة: الذرة.
  7. What is as light as a feather, yet the strongest person cannot hold it for more than a minute?
    • Answer: Your breath.
    ما الشيء الذي هو خفيف مثل الريشة ولكن أقوى شخص لا يمكنه الاحتفاظ به لأكثر من دقيقة؟
    • الإجابة: النفس.
  8. What comes down but never goes up?
    • Answer: Rain.
    ماذا الذي ينزل ولا يصعد؟
  9. What can you keep after giving to someone?
    • Answer: Your word.
    ما الذي يمكنك الاحتفاظ به بعد إعطائه لشخص آخر؟
    • الإجابة: كلمتك.

Funny Riddles in Arabic with Answers

Riddles are a great way to stimulate the mind while having fun. They can be simple, tricky, and sometimes downright hilarious. In this article, we’ll share 100 funny riddles in Arabic along with their answers, offering you a mix of fun and challenge. Whether you’re sharing them with friends, and family, or using them to test your own skills, these riddles are sure to bring a smile to your face!

4- Funny Riddles (Easy)

  1. What is something that only walks when hit?
    • Answer: A nail. (مسمار)
  2. What speaks all languages?
    • Answer: The echo. (الصدى)
  3. What can be found in the middle of Paris?
ألغاز في اللغة العربية للاطفال
  1. Answer: The letter “R“. (حرف “ر“)
  2. What has no beginning and no end?
  3. What beats but has no heart?
    • Answer: A clock. (الساعة)
  4. What animal scratches its ear with its nose?

4- Funny Riddles for Kids

  1. Why can’t a giraffe hide?
    • Answer: Because it’s too tall. (لأنها طويلة جدًا)
  2. Which bird gives birth and doesn’t lay eggs?
    • Answer: A bat. (الخفاش)
  3. What animal sleeps standing up?
    • Answer: A horse. (الحصان)
  4. What do you throw away when you want to use it?
    • Answer: A fishing net. (شبكة الصيد)
  5. What hears without ears and speaks without a tongue?
    • Answer: A telephone. (الهاتف)
  6. What is black used a lot, and turns red when used?
    • Answer: Charcoal. (الفحم)
  7. What walks and stands but has no legs?
    • Answer: A snake. (الثعبان)
  8. What house has no windows or doors?
    • Answer: A tent or a verse of poetry. (بيت الشعر)
  9. What is found in the sky, and if you add a letter, it’s found on the ground?
    • Answer: A star (“najm”), add “m” to make a mine (“manjam”). (نجم/منجم)
  10. What writes but cannot read?
    • Answer: A pen. (القلم)

5- Variety of Funny Riddles

  1. Why can’t cotton enter the fire?
    • Answer: Because it’s light. (لأنها خفيفة)
  2. What gets smaller as it grows?
    • Answer: Age. (العمر)
  3. What do you eat from, but it’s not eaten?
    • Answer: A plate. (الطبق)
  4. Why doesn’t the donkey run in the race?
    • Answer: Because it’s a donkey. (لأنه حمار)
  5. What doesn’t cool down when put in the fridge?
    • Answer: Hot pepper. (الفلفل الحار)
    • Why doesn’t the elephant ride a bike?
    • Answer: Because it doesn’t have thumbs to hold the handlebars. (لأنه ليس لديه إبهام ليمسك بالمقود)
  6. What bites you but you can’t see it?
    • Answer: Hunger. (الجوع)
  7. What enters water but doesn’t get wet?
    • Answer: Light. (الضوء)

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6- Clever Riddles for Smart Minds

  1. What speaks all the languages in the world?
    • Answer: The tongue. (اللسان)
  2. What flies but doesn’t walk or stand?
    • Answer: Time. (الوقت)
  3. What can carry an entire ship but cannot carry a nail?
    • Answer: The sea. (البحر)
  4. What animal sleeps with its eyes open?
  5. What screams when touched?
    • Answer: A bell. (الجرس)
  6. What flies in the sky but doesn’t move?
  7. What doesn’t have a heart but still beats?
    • Answer: A clock. (الساعة)
  8. Why can’t the fridge walk?
    • Answer: Because it’s full of food. (لأنها مليئة بالطعام)

Arabic riddles often rely on metaphorical language, double meanings, and unexpected associations to create puzzles that challenge the listener to think creatively. Many draw from everyday objects and phenomena to construct these entertaining linguistic challenges.

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100 Funny Riddles in Arabic with Answers in Both Arabic and English

Riddles are a fun way to challenge our minds and bring laughter. They require creative thinking and often have humorous or surprising answers. Below is a list of 100 funny riddles in Arabic, with answers in both Arabic and English.

  1. ما هو الشيء الذي لا يمشي إلا بالضرب؟
    • Arabic Answer: المسمار
    • English Answer: A nail.
  2. ما هو الشيء الذي يُكسر إذا ذكرته؟
    • Arabic Answer: الصمت
    • English Answer: Silence
  3. لماذا لا تستطيع الزرافة الاختباء؟
    • Arabic Answer: لأنها طويلة جدًا
    • English Answer: Because it’s too tall.
  4. What has a heart but no other organs?
    • Answer: A deck of cards. (مجموعة أوراق اللعب)
    • What always comes but never arrives?
    • Answer: Tomorrow. (الغد)
  5. What can be filled but remains empty?
    • Answer: A sieve. (المنخل)
  6. What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
    • Answer: Your name. (اسمك)
  7. What goes through cities and fields but never moves?
    • Answer: A road. (الطريق)
  8. What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?

Funny riddles in Arabic are a fantastic way to engage the mind while having fun. Whether you’re challenging yourself or sharing them with friends and family, these 100 funny Arabic riddles with their answers are sure to bring laughter and delight. Try solving them and see how many you can get right!

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