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قصص الأنبياء للاطفال بالترتيب مكتوبة ..قصص الأنبياء في القرآن

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قصة عن رجل الاطفاء بالانجليزي مكتوبة :: Going to the Firehouse Story

من موقعكم بالعربي نتعلم قصة عن رجل الاطفاء بالانجليزي مكتوبة كوسيلة تعليمية للأطفال عن مصطلحات الإطفاء بالانجليزية بشكل مبسط ومنها يتعرف الطفل أيضًا على زي رجل المطافي والأدوات المستخدمة في الإطفاء مع قصص أخرى عن الحرائق للاطفال مكتوبة بالانجليزية مترجمة..
يمكن للمعلمة بالمدرسة استخدامها لتفعيل اليوم العالمي للدفاع المدني

⇐اقرأ بالعربية : قصة قصيرة عن الدفاع المدني للاطفال مكتوبة

قصة عن رجل الاطفاء بالانجليزي مكتوبة

قصة مكتوبة للأطفال باللغة الانجليزية عن الإطفائي ومهماته في الحفاظ على الوطن من خطر النيران .
تتحدّث القصة عن رحلة استكشافة لمحطة الإطفاء بالمدينة أبطال القصة جميعهم من الحيوانات

أهداف القصة
  • التعرف على زي رجل الإطفاء من حذاء كبير وخوذة وزي مخصص لتلك المهمة .
  • المعدات والآلات الكهربائية والالكترونية المستخدمة في عملية الإطفاء.
  • قبل البدء في الإطفاء لابد من اختبار الخرطوم السلم
  • يبدأ في العمل فهو يكون مستعد باختبار أدواته وارتداء زيه
  • يركب سيارة الإطفاء المعدة لذلك عند سماع صفارة إنذار الحريق

⇐اقرأ أيضًا : افكار تفعيل اليوم العالمي للدفاع المدني 2022 للاطفال

في أحداث القصة

ليتل كريتر وزملاؤه يذهبون في رحلة إلى مكان عمل رجال الإطفاء ، يرتدي يرتدي حذاء وسترة الإطفائي ليكون مستعد ويتعلم المهمات الضرورة ويتدرب على معدات رجل الإطفاء.

قصة عن رجل الاطفاء بالانجليزي

Going to the Firehouse Story

Today my class is going to the firehouse!
I dress like a fireman.
Time to fight a fire!
This is Fireman Joe.
This is his dog,Sparky.
Sparky is a fire dog.
Fireman Joe has boots.
He has a jacket.
He has a helmet.
I have boots and a jacket .
I do not have a helmet.
Joe slides down the pole.
Sparky howls.
that is what he does when there is a fire.

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قصة قصيرة عن الحريق بالانجليزي

We see a fire truck.
It’s a big and red.
It has hoses and a ladder.

Joe checks the hoses.
He lets me help.
Whoosh goes the water.
This hose is working fine.

Joe checks the ladder.
He goes up and up.
He is in the sky.
Hello, Fireman Joe!

Joe checks the siren.
it goes Ooooo!Eeee!Ooo!
The siren is very loud.
I cover my ears.
Joe tells us about fires.
He tells us smoke goes up.
When smoke goes up, we must go down to the floor.

I get on the floor.
Joe tells us what to do if we are on fire.
Stop,drop, and roll!

I stop, drop, and roll!

Fireman joe smiles.
He has a surprise.

He reaches into his truck.
Helmets for everyone!
I put on my helmet
Joe tells me I will be a good fireman one day.
Ding! Ding! goes the fire alarm.
I wave good-bye to fireman Joe and Sparky.
Time to fight a fire !
Fireman Joe is ready to go!
Sparky is,too.

ماهي فوائد القصص الانجليزية للأطفال

  1. وسيلة تعلّم فعالة للغة الانجليزية ومحببة لدى الأطفال
  2. تنمية مهارات الطفل في اللغة
  3. تنمية حب القراءة واللغة لدى الطفل
  4. تعلّم مفردات جديدة
  5. التعرف على حلول بسيطة لأغلب مشكلات الأطفال
  6. سهلة وبسيطة وقريبة لمستوى إدراك الطفل من خلال سرد أحداث يومية.
    ⇐اقرأ أيضًا : انشودة عن الدفاع المدني للاطفال مكتوبة

When The fire came Story

هنا قصة عن رجل الاطفاء بالانجليزي مكتوبة عن الصداقة والوفاء والإخلاص بين الكلب ريمو وصديقه دان الإطفائي وعن التعاون بين السكان في المنطقة لإنقاذ الغابة والحيوانات


A story about a friendship between a fire-fighter and his dog during the Australian bushfires.

One year , before the summer began … the fires did .
Dan saw the sky turns amber at sunset.
The sun always looked a special way when there was smoke around. The light turned to honey . Birdcall rang out across the sand and slopes to say the day was done.

His cows quietened and hung their heads. The roos assembled beneath the snow -gums.

But somewhere over the ridge, a spark had started, and was finding the dry bark of the bush.
when the dark had fallen, you could see a soft glow lighting the hills of the horizon.

⇐اقرأ أيضًا : رسومات تلوين للاطفال عن المهن والحرف :: بطاقات تعليمية بالانجليزية

My best friend story in english

There was a smell of smoke,soft at first, but as the rim of light grew  brighter in the darkness, it turned sharp and bit the senses; it made you feel as though you needed to cough.
Dan’s dog Rimo gave a whimper  and put his nose to the floor.

Dan knew that the tanks were dry . It hadn’t rained in months and months.He knew that you needed water to put out a fire. And he knew that fires moved fast.

Dan got the ute from the garage, and Rimo hopped in the front seat beside him. They would need to drive to town . Call the alarm . There were houses in the area that mightn’t have seen the fire yet. Alone, Dan couldn’t fight the fire. But maybe together they could.

The road to the town was bumpy . Dan and Rimo bumped up and down together. On the way they saw a koala that had come down from its tree,and was sniffing the air ,looking worried .
Rimo stuck his head out of the car and barked, as though telling the koala what was coming. But the koala knew. Animales know these things .

⇐اقرأ أيضًا : بطاقات تعليم المهن بالانجليزي للأطفال

short story about a house fire

In town, lots of neighbours had gathered together . they were choosing people to help in the best way they could.
Some were putting on uniforms of the volunteer fire service, and getting ready to drive the truck to the fires ,where they’d use their hoses to try and put it out before it got too big.
Some were finding safe places for people to sleep; people whose houses were too close the fire to stay there safely.

Some people were collecting old cothes for the animals who would be burnt in the flames , to hold them and make them feel as though they were safe . Animals had claws and could bite if they were afraid , but they would need to be cared for if their homes were burnet.
Everyone needs a home, and some of the animals were already endangered. Every animal possible would need to be saved.

Although it was night-time, the sky had now turned a deep red. it felt like being on the planet Mars.
Dan put on his uniform. He was going in the fire truck.
And how to use the hose. He knew when to stay and fight a fire ,and when to flee because it was too big. He knew how to put on the heavy uniform when the heat was stifling, and the smoke  stung your eyes, and little embers flew through the air like fireflies in a wind storm.
” Stay here, mate,” he said to Rimo . But Rimo whimpered and put paw on him.
Rimo wanted to come.

⇐اقرأ أيضًا : موضوع عن يوم الطفل العالمي بالانجليزي Happy Children’s Day

قصة عن رجل الإطفاء

So Rimo came with Dan and the other fire-fighters in the truck.
Every was working together to put out the flames and save the town , houses, animals and the bush.
The truck reached the front of the flames. There were embers and thick black smoke. Dan and the other  jumped out from the truck and began dragging the heavy hose towards the flames.

Then their team turned on the water and it surged out towards the flames.
They saw it turn to steam . it would take a lot of water to put out these flames.
Suddenly, Dan heard Rimo barking from the truck. He looked up and saw him leaping at the window . Then, Rimo jumped from the truck and ran into the towering flames.
. Rimo” Dan shouted ”
But Rimo didn’t listen .Dan saw his best friend run into the blaze and disappear aimed the black smoke and darkness.
Dan wanted to go in after Rimobut he couldn’t. He needed to hold the hose, and keep the water going. Through tears, he kept his hands on the hose.

⇐اقرأ أيضًا : Juha and his donkey story

قصة عن حريق في الغابة

And then , suddenly, like a miracle, saw Rimo emerging back through the smoke and flames.
Rimo was badly burnt in his moth he held a baby joey. The baby joey was in a bad way.
The two of them were black with smoke. Rimo had tried to save the baby wallbay. He must have seen him from the truck.
One of the fire-fighters took a blanket and wrapped it around the joey.
Another one wrapped a blanket around Rimo.
They waited in the truck until a new team could arrive and take over, so they could bring the injured animals back.

When they got town. Rimo and joey were taken to the animal hospital. Rimo recovered, and the joey became his best friend. There were lots of animals, homes and bush saved that day.

Some said Rimo was a hero ..

Others say they all were.

⇐اقرأ أيضًا :قصة “عالم المهن” للاطفال عن اصحاب المهن بالصور للاطفال

حمل تطبيق حكايات بالعربي من هنا:

تطبيق حكايات بالعربي أندرويد تطبيق حكايات بالعربي آب ستورز

عرضنا قصة عن رجل الاطفاء بالانجليزي مكتوبة للاطفال
شاركونا بآرائكم ومقترحاتكم حول الموضوعات التي تهمكم لنأخذها بعين الاعتبار
منصة بالعربي نتعلم نقدم كل مفيد بكل حب فلاتنسونا من دعائكم .

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