Arabic Alphabet story for letter Taa (ت) arabic letter taa
Teach your child the Arabic alphabet letters with 27 Best Arabic letters stories images – Arabic alphabet for kids. letter stories for the first grade of primary and alphabet stories for kindergarten.
Arabic Alphabet story for letter Taa(ت)-Learn Arabic Letters
How do I learn Arabic letters?
By using a simple way such as stories, videos, and flashcards, so here at Belaraby we present a simple story with pictures about Taa (ت )
The Arabic letter Taa is a Sun Letter (Shamseyyah).
Taa follows the basic shape of Baa but has two dots on top instead of one underneath.
Stories of Arabic letters with pictures
Arabic Alphabet story for letter Taa (with video, pictures, and text)
Here is the story of the letter T for children of kindergarten and preschool, to learn words with the letter T and the forms of the letter T in the first, middle and last word.
Let’s follow the story together:
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Arabic story for letter Taa
تَامِرٌ يُحِبُّ الْفَاكِهَةَ.
طَلَبَ تَامِرٌ مِنْ وَالِدِه أَنْ يَذْهَبَ إِلَى بُسْتَانِ الْفَوَاكِه.
فِي الْبُسْتَانِ رَأَى تَامِرٌ شَجَرَةَ تُفَّاحٍ ،
وَشَجَرَةَ تِينٍ،
شَجَرَةَ تُوتٍ ،
وَنَخْلَةً بِهَا تَمْرٌ.
أَكَلَ تَامِرٌ الْفَاكِهَةَ،
وَشَكَرَ وَالِدَه عَلَى الرِّحْلَةِ الْجَمِيلَةِ
The child learns from the story the words that start with the letter Taa like:
( تامر – بستان – تفاح -تين – توت – تمر )
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Taa Arabic Letter Pronunciation
Ta is the counterpart of the English letter T that is pronounced by having the tip of the tongue pressed against the top of the mouth right behind the front tooth then slightly pushing air to separate the tongue and upper mouth. Every time this letter is spoken, the tip of the tongue should touch the upper part of the mouth.
From Arabic alphabet pronunciation to Arabic words with Ta is written differently when in the initial, medial, final, تــ -ـــتــ – ت
Arabic words beginning with taa with different sounds :
Ta (تَ), To (تُ), Te(تِ)
تَامر- تُوت-تِين –
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The letter Taa words
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Arabic letter taa worksheet
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Arabic words with taa
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Ta with a fatha: ( َتَـ ) (ـتـ ) تَ: تا ….. تَمر
Ta with a damma To تُ : تو …. توت
Ta with a kasra: ( تِـ ) ( ـتِـ ) تِ : تي …. تِين
Ta with sokoon: ( ـتْـ ) ( ـتْ ): تْ : متْر
Ta with a douple fatha Tan : تًا: تَن ….. بيتًا
Ta with a douple damma Ton تٌ : تن……. بيتٌ
Ta with a douple kasra تٍ : تِن ….. بيتٍ
Arabic letter coloring page Taa to print
Download then print this Taa worksheet and write then color
Arabic alphabet practice worksheet printable
27 Best Arabic letters stories images – Arabic alphabet for kids.
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